Cómo hacer que un sitio web sea amigable con SEO

La optimización en la página es uno de los pasos básicos para la optimización de motores de búsqueda.
Estos factores funcionan en la página de su sitio web para mejorar su ranking en los motores de búsqueda. Estos factores pueden ser controlados por el webmaster o por la codificación de la página.

La optimización en la página es un componente importante del SEO. Sin él, es difícil que su sitio web sea notado.

A continuación he enumerado algunas de las estrategias importantes de SEO en la página:

  • Contenido adecuado en la página: el contenido escrito para su sitio web debe ser único y relevante. Los motores de búsqueda solo buscan esto.
    “El contenido es el rey”, se dice correctamente, ya que la clasificación del sitio web depende del contenido de la página web. El contenido debe ser lo suficientemente atractivo como para atraer a los usuarios. De hecho, los motores de búsqueda penalizan los sitios web que no se actualizan regularmente con la información actual. Los webmasters deben asegurarse de que al crear un sitio web, el contenido debe ser lógico y debe consistir en aquellas palabras clave que ayudarán a que el sitio web sea fácilmente rastreable.
  • Etiquetas de encabezado: Los encabezados de la página se crean con la etiqueta , donde n es un número entre 1 y 6. Generalmente, se utilizan 6 fuentes para el encabezado. Debe usar etiquetas como h2, h3 y h4 para resaltar sus títulos, subtítulos.
    Su etiqueta h1 se usa solo una vez, que es su título. Además, no use etiquetas h2 o h3 con demasiada frecuencia, ya que Google puede penalizarlo por hacer una práctica negativa de SEO.
    Por ejemplo:


    Etiqueta de rumbo

Escuchemos lo que Matt Cutts dice sobre las etiquetas H1.

  • Etiquetas de título: es una etiqueta HTML que se utiliza para definir el texto o el título de las listas de búsqueda que se encuentra en la parte superior del navegador web. El título debe ser preciso y debe dar un resumen del contenido de la página. No debe exceder los 65 caracteres. La etiqueta es muy esencial para cada sitio web y sus páginas web, y cada página web debe tener una etiqueta de título diferente. Las etiquetas de título juegan un papel vital en la optimización de su página en los motores de búsqueda. Código de muestra:

Título de ejemplo

Etiqueta de título

  • Estructura de URL: otro aspecto importante en la optimización de motores de búsqueda es que la estructura de URL debe contener las palabras clave principales. Mantenga su URL corta, autodescriptiva y rica en palabras clave.
    Estructura de URL
  • Etiqueta de descripción meta: la etiqueta de descripción meta está destinada a ser una breve descripción del contenido de su sitio o página que pueden usar los motores de búsqueda. Debe agregar una meta descripción única y relevante relacionada con la publicación. En la descripción Meta, debe usar palabras clave relacionadas con su sitio web. La longitud de los caracteres de la descripción no debe ser superior a 150 caracteres, incluidos los espacios. La descripción Meta debe ser tal que gane más y más CTR (tasa de clics). La etiqueta de descripción Meta es como:


  • Densidad de palabras clave: se define como el porcentaje de palabras clave o frase de palabras clave que aparece en su página web. Un porcentaje de hasta 1.5% con una combinación de palabras clave LSI es ideal.
    Intente usar sus palabras clave principales en una vez en el primer párrafo y luego en el último. Use el estilo de fuente como negrita, cursiva y subrayado para resaltar.

Veamos qué dice Matt Cutts sobre la densidad de palabras clave:

  • Mapa del sitio XML: siempre es recomendable tener un mapa del sitio XML, ya que permite que un rastreador del motor de búsqueda indexe la lista de URL de un sitio web. Un archivo XML contiene solo 50,000 URL y el tamaño no debe ser mayor de 10 MB.

    Mapa del sitio XML

  • Validación adecuada de HTML y CSS: es esencial tener una buena validación de HTML y CSS para sus sitios web, para mejorar la interfaz de usuario para cualquier visitante que visite su sitio web. Un sitio web con una buena validación de HTML y CSS erradicará todos los errores y fallas, mejorando así la experiencia del usuario.
  • Etiquetas Alt: para aumentar la clasificación de la página web, es esencial atraer tráfico a través de imágenes utilizando las etiquetas Alt correctas y relevantes para palabras clave específicas. Incluya palabras clave específicas en el texto alternativo de la imagen y el nombre de la imagen. Las imágenes hacen que los blogs sean más interesantes. Intente buscar imágenes de tamaño pequeño a mediano y las imágenes más grandes disminuirán su velocidad.
    Etiqueta Alt
  • Estrategia de enlace interno : La estrategia de enlace interno define que las páginas web de cualquier sitio web deben estar correctamente interconectadas entre sí. El enlace se debe realizar donde sea necesario para que los motores de búsqueda no lo envíen por correo no deseado. Las páginas principales de su sitio web deben estar vinculadas con la página de inicio. Además, también puede vincular sus blogs relacionados desde su blog para enviar tráfico adicional y aumentar el rango de la página. Pero no te excedas.

Aquí están las 9 técnicas de SEO fuera de la página que me hicieron maravillas:

  1. Creación de la comunidad en varios perfiles de redes sociales: esto también puede denominarse gestión de reputación en línea. Únase a los florecientes canales de redes sociales, interactúe con personas de su comunidad, siga a personas influyentes, amplíe su red. Una vez que su perfil se haya desarrollado, haga publicaciones periódicas en sus paredes sociales: citas, pósters, artículos compartidos, etc.
  2. Blogging: esta es una de las mejores y más fáciles formas de promocionar su negocio en línea. Da una razón para que sus visitantes regresen a su sitio web. Además, ayuda a rastrear mejor y con mayor frecuencia su sitio web para actualizar sus últimas publicaciones de blog. Si tus publicaciones son lo suficientemente buenas, serán compartidas y referenciadas, por lo que obtendrás excelentes enlaces. Tipos de contenido para producir: infografías, listas principales, instrucciones … tutoriales, videos virales
  3. Bloguero invitado: este es mi favorito. Encuentre sitios web similares en su dominio (calidad y autoridad) y acérquese a ellos para publicar invitados en su sitio web. Esto le proporcionará un vínculo de retroceso de calidad, así como un mayor tráfico.
  4. Comentario de blog: esto ayuda a establecer relaciones entre blogs, bloggers y lectores de blogs. Es una excelente manera de intercambiar ideas, pensamientos u opiniones sobre lo que las personas sienten por un tema en particular o una publicación de blog. Los comentarios del blog ayudan al blog a atraer tráfico y lo hacen social.
  5. Responder preguntas o preguntas: al responder y hacer preguntas relevantes en el nicho de su sitio, usted ayuda a construir su reputación como alguien que es un experto en el campo elegido. Puede colocar un enlace a su sitio web en la sección de origen si es necesario para que las personas puedan encontrar fácilmente su sitio. Si no hace spam, esta es otra excelente manera de aumentar la popularidad de su enlace.
  6. Envíos a foros: Echa un vistazo a los foros “Do Follow” (también con buenos DA y PA) en tu nicho e intenta comunicarte e interactuar con tu comunidad.
  7. Envío de imágenes: Google clasifica las imágenes también en sus resultados de búsqueda. Optimice sus imágenes con las etiquetas alternativas correctas y envíelas a los directorios de envío de imágenes. Además, asegúrese de que tengan el título, la descripción y las etiquetas correctos.
  8. Envíos de video: Similar a las imágenes, también puede compartir sus videos en plataformas para compartir videos como Vimeo, YouTube, Vine. No olvide volver a agregar el título, la descripción y las etiquetas correctos.
  9. Presentación de infografías: la importancia de las infografías nunca puede subestimarse. Estos pueden obtener enlaces de referencia en los sitios de envío de infografía.

Confía en que esto ayuda.

Originalmente estaba preocupado por clasificar mis sitios y era demasiado difícil aprender sobre SEO. Sin embargo, encontré un sitio web donde aprendí mucho más sobre la optimización de motores de búsqueda y sus estrategias. Encontrarás más información en este artículo . No es realmente una campaña propia, pero me ayudaron mucho, así que quiero darles una referencia aquí mismo. En este momento, explicaré en detalle sobre su pregunta.

7 trucos para hacer que tu diseño web sea amigable con SEO

La creación de un sitio web profesional y bien diseñado no garantizará que su sitio reciba una gran cantidad de tráfico, ni aumentará su base de clientes. Si desea aumentar el tráfico que recibe su sitio web, deberá utilizar la optimización de motores de búsqueda. La optimización de motores de búsqueda se refiere a técnicas que se utilizan para mejorar la visibilidad de un sitio web y, por lo tanto, se clasifican con los motores de búsqueda.

La optimización de motores de búsqueda es una parte increíblemente importante de su presencia en línea. Si usa SEO correctamente, puede mejorar el ranking de su motor de búsqueda y atraer más tráfico a su sitio web. Si desea que las personas encuentren su sitio web, entonces necesita usar SEO en su sitio. Por lo general, cuando las personas piensan en SEO, piensan en la copia que está en su sitio. Muchos propietarios de negocios se aseguran de usar ciertas palabras clave en los artículos, publicaciones de blog o copias en su sitio. Sin embargo, a menudo no logran que su diseño web sea amigable con SEO. Puede incorporar técnicas de optimización de motores de búsqueda en algo más que la copia de su sitio web. Hay algunos trucos simples que puedes usar para hacer que tu diseño web también sea amigable con SEO.

1. Integre las redes sociales en el diseño de su sitio web

Los motores de búsqueda valoran las redes sociales, al igual que sus clientes potenciales. La incorporación de elementos de redes sociales en el diseño de su sitio web lo ayudará a posicionarse mejor con los motores de búsqueda. Al diseñar su sitio web, asegúrese de incluir sus iconos de redes sociales y, para todas sus cuentas de redes sociales, como Twitter, Pinterest y Facebook. Esto no solo clasificará su sitio más alto entre los motores de búsqueda, sino que también mostrará a sus clientes potenciales que su empresa es agradable.

2. Utilice SEO para imágenes también

Muchas personas solo optimizan el texto en su sitio web, y se olvidan de hacer lo mismo con las imágenes que usan. Si optimiza las imágenes que usa, puede aumentar el ranking del motor de búsqueda de su sitio. Al seleccionar una imagen para su sitio web, asegúrese de que no sea demasiado grande. Idealmente, las imágenes en su sitio deben ser de 30 a 100 kb y tener una resolución de 72 ppp. Las imágenes que son demasiado grandes harán que su sitio se cargue lentamente y afectarán negativamente su clasificación en los motores de búsqueda. En la sección de texto alternativo de la imagen, asegúrese de usar una palabra clave. Esto ayudará más con el SEO de su sitio. Además, coloque imágenes en su sitio con cuidado. Cuanto más relevantes sean para esa página, más mejorará la clasificación de su sitio web.

3. Use JavaScript con moderación

Muchos sitios web cometen el error de usar Javascript para todo el diseño de su sitio. Los motores de búsqueda rastrean los sitios web para indexarlos y determinar su clasificación en los resultados. Si su sitio presenta una gran cantidad de Javascript, los motores de búsqueda tendrán dificultades para leer su sitio y provocará problemas de rastreo. Además, Javascript no funciona particularmente bien en dispositivos móviles. Desea que sea lo más simple y fácil posible para que los motores de búsqueda lean su sitio web, y desea que su sitio sea lo más fácil de usar posible para sus visitantes.

4. Asegúrese de que su URL sea fácil de usar

La URL de su sitio debe ser compatible con SEO, de lo contrario no se clasificará tan bien como debería. Además, intente limitar las categorías en el enlace. si necesita separar palabras en su URL, asegúrese de usar guiones, en lugar de guiones bajos para hacerlo.

5. Coloque sus palabras clave en muchos lugares diferentes

Muchas personas se centran en usar palabras clave en su copia, pero descuidan todas las demás áreas. Las palabras clave no solo se pueden usar en la copia, y dentro de los artículos de su sitio, también se pueden incorporar en el diseño de su sitio web. Como se mencionó anteriormente, también puede usar palabras clave para optimizar las imágenes, pero también hay muchas otras áreas donde puede usarlas. Se pueden usar en la etiqueta de título, etiquetas H1, lemas del sitio web, meta descripciones, palabras clave meta, navegación, etiquetas H2, viñetas, atributo de título en enlaces, etiquetas H3, rutas de navegación, enlaces de pie de página, URL, nombres de archivos, enlaces internos y nombres de carpetas.

6. Asegúrese de que su diseño sea accesible

Si su sitio web no es completamente accesible, afectará sus tasas de conversión y su clasificación con los motores de búsqueda. Su sitio web debe ser visible en todos los navegadores, ya que, de lo contrario, provocará que los visitantes salgan de su sitio, sin comprar ningún producto ni utilizar sus servicios. Si su sitio web se carga lentamente, o es difícil de navegar, es probable que tenga un ranking bajo en los motores de búsqueda. Asegúrese de que su sitio web se vea correcto en todos los navegadores, que se cargue correctamente y que no use ninguna imagen que se cargue lentamente.

7. Tenga cuidado con los elementos Flash

Usar demasiado flash en su sitio web no solo puede distraer a sus visitantes, sino que también puede afectar el ranking del motor de búsqueda de su sitio web. Si utiliza elementos flash en su sitio, será más difícil para los motores de búsqueda clasificar su sitio web. Esto se debe a que los motores de búsqueda a menudo ignoran o devalúan el flash, lo que significa que no agregará nada al SEO de su sitio. Si va a usar flash en su sitio web, asegúrese de hacerlo con moderación.

Al hacer que su diseño web sea más amigable con el SEO, puede mejorar la visibilidad de su empresa. Realice algunos cambios simples en su sitio esta semana y vea cómo afecta el ranking del motor de búsqueda de su sitio.

Hoy me gustaría compartir con ustedes mis mejores estrategias de optimización de motores de búsqueda. Espero que los use y logre los mismos niveles de éxito que mi empresa y mis clientes.

Dicho esto, comencemos.

¿Su estrategia de SEO realmente necesita ser personalizada?

Cuando se trata de SEO, todos gritan por la personalización. Se quejan y deliran sobre cómo ningún sitio web es igual, por lo tanto, todo debe ser personalizado.

Aquí está la cosa…

Mucho SEO es lo mismo.

Por otro lado, no puede optimizar el sitio web de una empresa local de la misma manera que optimizaría un sitio web de comercio electrónico. Y no puede optimizar un sitio web de comercio electrónico de la misma manera que optimizaría el sitio web de una franquicia nacional.

Entonces, en cierto modo, debería parecer obvio que las cosas son diferentes.

Establecer una estrategia de SEO para cada tipo de negocio

Entonces, es obvio que habrá diferencias. Pero lo que realmente necesita es una estrategia SEO repetitiva para cada tipo de negocio.

Aquí hay una lista de los diferentes tipos de negocios:

  • negocio local
  • negocios de comercio electrónico
  • empresas a nivel nacional

Son básicamente los tres modelos de negocio más grandes. Hay otros, y el modelo de negocio del sitio web del directorio es otro que me viene a la mente, pero la mayoría de las personas no están creando sitios web de directorio para vender espacio publicitario a los clientes.

Por lo tanto, definitivamente necesita estrategias SEO repetitivas para esos tres tipos de empresas.

Estrategia local de SEO

Para esta estrategia, nos centraremos en tres áreas diferentes, que llamaremos cubos.


  • Bucket # 1: optimización en el sitio
  • Bucket # 2: creación de contenido
  • Bucket # 3: SEO fuera del sitio

Optimización de negocios locales en el sitio

Crear páginas de destino locales

Si usted es un negocio y solo tiene una ciudad o ubicación a la que se dirige, y es pequeño, con quizás solo 5000 personas, es probable que desee orientar más ubicaciones que esa. Lo más probable es que tenga un radio de 10 a 25 millas en el que esté dispuesto a prestar servicio.

No necesariamente puedo hablar por todos, pero la mayoría de las empresas necesitarán varias páginas de destino locales.

Si está de acuerdo con solo optimizar su sitio web con una página de destino, puede optimizar su página de inicio.

Ejemplo: http://Cindythedogtrainer.com

Si usted es el propietario de este negocio y solo trabaja en la ciudad de Nueva York, el título de la página de inicio sería NYC Dog Training: Cindy the Dog Trainer.

Y la razón por la que está haciendo esto es para optimizar la página de inicio de esa palabra clave.

Qué significa eso?

Significa que cuando alguien busca la palabra clave NYC dog training en Google, desea que su página de inicio aparezca para esa frase de palabras clave.

Esto está perfectamente bien si solo tiene que optimizar para la única ubicación. Su página de inicio es la página más poderosa de un sitio web, entonces, ¿por qué no usarla para su ventaja?

Algunas personas pueden preferir utilizar http://Cindythedogtrainer.com/ny … o http://Cindythedogtrainer.com/nyc e intentar optimizar esa página en particular.

Personalmente, realmente no lo recomendaría a menos que intentes crear varias páginas para apuntar a varias ciudades en tu área de servicio.

Siempre manténgase en la página de inicio cuando solo hay una ubicación. Es más poderoso, Google prefiere mostrar páginas de inicio para empresas locales, por lo que sus posibilidades de clasificación son mucho mejores.

Nuevamente, si desea clasificar para varias ciudades, puede optimizar su página de inicio de esta manera. En este caso, solo debe optimizar su página de inicio para su marca.

Y en este caso, en lugar de ponerle título a su página de inicio NYC Dog Training – Cindy the Dog Trainer, simplemente lo titularía Cindy the Dog Trainer.

http://Cindythedogtrainer.com Páginas internas

Para las páginas internas, si solo tiene un puñado de estas páginas, sería http://Cindythedogtrainer.com/nyc , http://Cindythedogtrainer.com/Br …, http://Cindythedogtrainer.com/Qu …, etc. Obtienes la imagen.


También hablé sobre la creación de subdirectorios en profundidad en mi blog y en una respuesta diferente de Quora. Aquí hay un enlace. Creo que te beneficiarías al comprobarlo:

¿Cuántos segmentos debe contener mi URL para el mejor SEO? – OutreachMama

En última instancia, tiene algunas opciones diferentes.

Solo recomiendo utilizar la estrategia http://Cindythedogtrainer.com/ar …, etc. si planea lanzar muchas páginas de destino locales.

Si solo planea lanzar un puñado, siga la recomendación de cadena de la página interna mencionada anteriormente para Nueva York, Brooklyn y Queens, etc.

Explico completamente por qué este es el mejor método de segmento de URL en el artículo vinculado anteriormente.

Recomendaciones de creación de contenido de negocios locales

Para las páginas de inicio de negocios locales, recomiendo disparar por aproximadamente 500 palabras. Algunas personas piensan que 1000 palabras es la opción óptima, pero honestamente siento que es excesivo e innecesario.

En verdad, en lo que respecta al SEO local, no creo que Google esté buscando contenido largo en este sentido. Si observa algunas de las páginas o sitios web de mayor clasificación para palabras clave locales, verá lo que quiero decir.

Su enfoque principal debe ser la optimización de palabras clave. Asegúrese de que la palabra clave aparezca una vez en el artículo. No optimices demasiado el contenido. Asegúrese de que la palabra clave esté en el título, y la palabra clave debe estar en la URL, y también optimice sus imágenes con palabras clave.

Siempre mantenga las cosas bastante simples.

Tenga su nombre, dirección y número de teléfono en el pie de página en todas las páginas. Y asegúrese de vincular a todos sus perfiles de redes sociales porque ayuda a establecer su marca.

Todo esto es bastante estándar, ¿verdad?

Contenido continuo para empresas locales

Siguiendo con nuestro ejemplo de entrenamiento de perros, digamos que Cindy quiere escribir un artículo sobre enseñar a los perros cómo hacer volteretas.

Ella escribirá un artículo titulado, “Cómo enseñarle a mi perro a hacer un Backflip en Nueva York”.

Supongo que no hay nada de malo en esto, pero cuando comienzas a buscar blogs que escriben artículos como este, comienza a parecer realmente spam y artificial.

¿Qué quiero decir con spam?

Bueno, los títulos de los artículos terminan en “en Nueva York” o “en (inserte el nombre de la ciudad aquí)”, obtendrá la imagen.

Aquí está la cosa…

Es probable que su sitio web ya esté optimizado para Nueva York de todos modos, por lo que si considera que este tema es lo suficientemente importante como para crear una publicación de blog sobre él utilizando una palabra clave local, probablemente sea igual de importante crear una página de servicio local para este tema. O incluso una página de sub servicio.

Publicaciones de blog

Obtendrá mucho más valor y más relevancia temática al optimizar sus páginas de servicio para esa frase de palabra clave en particular en lugar de crear una publicación de blog.

En cambio, es mejor enfocar su blog en cosas útiles con las que cualquiera pueda identificarse.

Y lo más probable es que ese tipo de contenido se vuelva más vinculable de todos modos ya que no está enfocado en un área local. Esto es especialmente cierto si el contenido es realmente bueno.

Mi preferencia personal para el recuento de palabras en publicaciones de blog es de entre 850 y 1250 palabras. Y el contenido definitivamente debe tener imágenes, buen formato, subtítulos geniales, fuentes grandes, párrafos pequeños, fondos blancos y muchos enlaces internos.

Ejemplo: entrenamiento de perros

En todo el contenido de tu blog, la interconexión es increíblemente importante. Cada vez que mencione la palabra clave “adiestramiento canino” y el contenido de su publicación en el blog, debe vincular directamente a su página de servicios de adiestramiento o página principal si así es como optimizó el sitio web.

La vinculación interna es muy poderosa.

Eso cubre la plantilla repetitiva para la optimización en el sitio. Aunque nos hemos centrado en ejemplos locales de SEO, esta plantilla es válida para el comercio electrónico y los sitios web nacionales con algunas pequeñas variaciones.

Optimización de negocios locales fuera del sitio

La optimización fuera del sitio consiste en la creación de enlaces, la promoción, y dado que este es un negocio local en el que nos estamos centrando, las revisiones también son muy importantes.


Puedes salir y crear un montón de citas. Puede hacerlo manualmente o utilizar un servicio como Yext, MozLocal o Whitespark, etc. Depende de usted.

También puedes ir y editar citas.

Si su sitio web y la dirección que Google tiene para usted no son los mismos, cambie la dirección en su sitio web a la forma en que Google lo muestra. No te puedes equivocar con eso.


Sin duda, puede seguir adelante y enviar su sitio web a los directorios. En un mundo perfecto, no se va a enviar a un montón de directorios de spam.

Por ejemplo, en la industria del entrenamiento de perros, agréguese manualmente a los directorios sobre mascotas, pero solo hágalo si vale la pena enviarlas.

Además, existen directorios de sitios web que “enviarán spam” a cientos de directorios.

He experimentado con esto y en realidad puede funcionar bastante bien. Pero definitivamente no es el estándar de oro. Están claramente diseñados solo por el SEO, por lo que desea usarlos bajo su propio riesgo.

Backlinking contextual de alta calidad

Para alcanzar el estándar de oro en la construcción de enlaces, debe identificar los blogs en su industria: blogs para perros si nos apegamos al ejemplo de entrenamiento de perros. Hay muchos sitios de adiestradores de perros y muchos sitios web de la industria de mascotas para abordar.

Si está haciendo algo realmente interesante en su negocio, también debería sentirse inclinado a acercarse a los medios locales. Esa sería una excelente manera de obtener exposición adicional y vínculos de retroceso contextuales en sitios web de noticias de alto valor.

Otra forma de obtener enlaces sólidos es unirse a la Cámara de Comercio. Solo tenga en cuenta que son enlaces caros y es una tarifa anual si desea conservarlos.

Tengo muchos otros métodos de backlinking sobre los que he escrito. Voy a vincularlos a continuación, así que siéntase libre de leerlos cuando lo desee. La información es valiosa, así que definitivamente recomiendo revisarlos.





Así que eso es todo para la plantilla de SEO local.

Estrategia repetitiva de comercio electrónico

La estrategia de comercio electrónico es muy parecida a la estrategia local de SEO.

El contenido y la construcción de enlaces son más o menos lo mismo. Nos encontramos con diferencias en lo que respecta a la optimización en el sitio.

Optimización en el sitio

Con los sitios web de comercio electrónico, generalmente tiene estos grandes sitios web con muchos productos o solo un puñado de productos en una industria en particular.

Algunos de los sitios web de comercio electrónico más grandes son Amazon, Walmart, Macy’s y Target, y dominan por completo los motores de búsqueda de muchas de las palabras clave de productos generales.

Si desea competir con ellos, y está buscando generar tráfico y ventas, debe decidir si desea ser realmente amplio o si desea reducir su nicho.

Si decides hacer un nicho, eso es genial. Lleva tiempo, pero con el tiempo, si está haciendo SEO de la manera correcta, va a establecer la autoridad temática para lo que sea que se encuentre.

A su vez, sus palabras clave irán más arriba porque el algoritmo asume que usted es una autoridad en el espacio.

Aunque hay sitios web generales que tienen mayor autoridad que usted y más vínculos de retroceso, simplemente no tienen la misma relevancia temática que su sitio. Entonces obtienes el bono, no ellos.

En última instancia, debe configurar su sitio correctamente para obtener relevancia temática.

Un ejemplo: sitio web de supervivencia

En este sitio web, están vendiendo equipo de supervivencia.

Dentro del nicho de supervivencia, están vendiendo cinco categorías diferentes de productos. Y dado que todo su sitio web trata sobre supervivencia, la página de inicio de su sitio web está probablemente optimizada para el término de palabra clave “supervivencia”.

Páginas de categoría

En este sitio web, también habrá páginas de categorías.

Son las páginas que están vinculadas en el menú. Algunos ejemplos potenciales incluyen: linternas de supervivencia, botiquines de primeros auxilios, alimentos de supervivencia, equipo de defensa personal, etc.


Dentro de estas categorías, tendrá mini o subcategorías.

En el ejemplo de categoría de equipo de autodefensa, puede tener subcategorías como: pistolas, pistolas, cuchillos, etc.

El sitio web ha creado estas pequeñas jerarquías. Todo está interconectado correctamente. Todo el sitio web está relacionado con la supervivencia, y todas las páginas de categorías tratan sobre un tema específico, y las subpáginas tratan sobre un tipo de producto específico.

Cuando se trata de las páginas de productos individuales, generalmente obtendrá una descripción genérica para ellas. Estarás mucho mejor si escribes tu propia descripción. Esto ayudará a que sea único y mejor para usted en los motores de búsqueda.

Contenido de la página de categoría

Y en las páginas de categorías, la mayoría de las personas solo enumeran imágenes de inventario. Y cada imagen le permite hacer clic para acceder al producto. Esto no es suficiente.

En cada página de categoría, debe tener al menos 500 a 1000 palabras de contenido. Puede ser plegable de una manera más tipográfica.

Necesita texto en estas páginas de categorías porque son inmensamente valiosas una vez que las clasifica y cuando comienzan a ganar autoridad.

Entonces, ese es el tipo de cosas en las que desea centrarse con la optimización in situ del comercio electrónico.

Y esta es la vista de mil pies:

Estás tratando de establecer relevancia temática.


Y no nos olvidemos de los blogs.

Es similar a lo que mencioné antes en lo que respecta a los blogs. Debe ser súper consistente, escribir en forma larga, lo mejor del mejor contenido y debe vincular a su categoría y páginas de productos tanto como sea posible.

Así es como configura su jugo de enlace interno, e incluso puede ir un paso más allá y adjuntar sus publicaciones de blog a categorías específicas para que estén en una subcarpeta en esa categoría. Desea hacer esto porque envía más jugo de enlace hacia arriba y hacia abajo en ese silo en particular.

O si lo prefiere, solo tenga una sección regular para un blog y concéntrese en enlaces internos sólidos.

Lo más importante que debe eliminar es que necesita bloguear constantemente para construir el jugo de enlaces internos que genera el blogging.

SEO fuera del sitio

Dado que el comercio electrónico es nacional, el SEO externo es un juego de pelota completamente nuevo.

Puedes hacer citas y directorios, pero no son realmente necesarios. Lo más importante para enfocarse con SEO fuera del sitio es obtener blogs de alta calidad que se vinculen a su blog.

Y como he mencionado a lo largo de todo este artículo, debe hacerlo a menudo, debe hacerlo de manera consistente, y la mejor manera de lograrlo es a través del alcance de los bloggers.

He compartido algunos enlaces sobre el alcance de blogger y las mejores prácticas de publicación de invitados anteriores. Si aún no los ha leído, le recomiendo que lo haga.

En última instancia, el alcance de blogger consiste en crear contenido excelente, crear infografías que otros querrán publicar en su sitio web y luego llevar este contenido a la blogósfera.

Estrategia SEO de sitio web nacional repetitivo

Cuando hablamos de sitios web nacionales, estamos hablando de sitios como sitios web de servicios, sitios web de software, empresas de cobro de deudas, sitios de software de seguimiento del tiempo, registros de recaudación de fondos en línea y más.

Tienes opciones con este tipo de sitio.

Puede optimizar su página de inicio para la palabra clave principal. O si lo prefiere, puede optimizar las páginas internas para la palabra clave principal.

Mi sugerencia es simple. Vaya al motor de búsqueda de Google y eche un vistazo a lo que Google clasifica actualmente en la página uno para sus palabras clave.

Si predominantemente clasifican sitios web con la página de inicio optimizada para la palabra clave, entonces probablemente debería seguir esa tendencia.

Y viceversa.

Si están clasificando páginas internas para esa palabra clave, entonces debe centrarse en una página interna para clasificar su palabra clave principal.

Optimización de sitio web nacional en el sitio

De cualquier manera, cuando está optimizando en el sitio, tiene su página principal y luego tiene diferentes ramas de subcategorías que la gente podría estar buscando.

Después de identificar todas las diferentes formas en que las personas buscan sus servicios y subservicios, y ver cómo están relacionadas temáticamente y descubrir cuáles se pueden agrupar y cuáles definitivamente deberían estar en páginas separadas, entonces comienza a planificar cómo va. para diseñar mejor tu contenido.

La creación de una página principal y subpáginas suelen ser bastante precisas. También debe agregar enlaces de pie de página a las páginas de su categoría. Incluso debe agregar enlaces de pie de página a sus páginas de categorías principales para sitios locales de SEO y comercio electrónico.

Para la optimización en el sitio, lo más importante para recordar es la relevancia temática.

Con los sitios nacionales, Google no quiere devolver específicamente páginas que estén optimizadas para una palabra clave o URL específica.

La actualización del algoritmo del colibrí

Google tiene un algoritmo único para sitios nacionales.

Están utilizando mucho el algoritmo Hummingbird, y su objetivo principal es aprender el contexto del artículo y comprenderlo para que pueda proporcionar al usuario los mejores resultados mientras está buscando.

Como ejemplo, si alguien está buscando un software de seguimiento de tiempo, Google puede no mostrar resultados para un sitio web que tenga la frase “software de seguimiento de tiempo” en la URL.

Al final del día, están buscando marcas asociadas con el software de seguimiento de tiempo.

La URL ciertamente puede ser una señal. Pero otras señales podrían ser todos los vínculos de retroceso, todo el contenido que habla sobre el software de seguimiento de tiempo en particular, lo que está escrito en la página y la actualización del algoritmo Hummingbird ha hecho que el tema sea realmente importante.

Si tiene 100 palabras clave y crea 100 páginas, es probable que muchas de esas páginas estén relacionadas semánticamente y puedan consolidarse. Por lo tanto, si no consolida esas páginas, Google lo verá como spam y podría terminar en la caja de arena o enfrentar otras sanciones de Google.

Agrupar palabras clave y crear páginas de formato largo es la opción ideal en lugar de crear 100 páginas de spam.

Creación de contenido del sitio web nacional

Esto es muy similar a lo que hablamos cuando discutimos la creación de contenido de comercio electrónico. El contenido en sí debe ser largo y muy, muy útil.

Por lo general, cuando tienes clientes nacionales, el mejor tipo de contenido es el contenido que les enseñará algo.

Como ejemplo, si estás hablando de software de seguimiento de tiempo, realmente no quieres tener 100 publicaciones sobre seguimiento de tiempo, ¿verdad?

En cambio, lo que necesita son 100 publicaciones sobre cómo optimizar su negocio, y cómo ahorrar dinero al ajustar su operación, y cosas tácticas paso a paso donde el seguimiento del tiempo es solo una parte de la estrategia general.

Si las personas que leen este contenido están muy interesadas en lo que tiene que decir, existe una gran posibilidad de que les interese el software de seguimiento del tiempo de todos modos.

Por lo tanto, definitivamente obtendrá clientes a través de su creación de contenido, pero también hará mucho más. Creará buena voluntad en el mercado, y al crear contenido útil, otros blogs pueden comenzar a vincularse a él.

Y es entonces cuando el jugo de SEO comienza a verterse. Al final del día, esto es exactamente lo que estás buscando lograr.

Optimización fuera del sitio web nacional

El alcance de Blogger es el estándar de oro aquí como se mencionó anteriormente. Los blogs invitados también son otra opción.

Y si su industria es algo sexy, controvertida o notable, puede contratar a una empresa de relaciones públicas para que sea publicada por algunos de los principales editores.

Discutimos el alcance de los bloggers con gran detalle en otros momentos. Me vinculé a algunos artículos muy detallados sobre el tema en mi blog. Puede encontrarlos en algún lugar en el medio de esta respuesta.


Eso es todo por ahora. ¡Esta fue una gran respuesta como puedes ver!

Si tiene alguna otra pregunta, no dude en preguntarme sobre ellas ahora mismo en los comentarios.

¡Gracias por leer!

¡Buena suerte!

SEO es una colección de mejores prácticas para “ser encontrado” en los motores de búsqueda por personas que buscan su producto, servicio o solución. Ideally, people will see your website in search results, click to your site, and then “convert” in line with your business and marketing goals (buying a product, submitting a lead-generation form, and so on). The ROI of SEO is generally higher because people who are already looking for what you offer will be more likely to buy — they are already “qualified leads.”

But there’s a lot of misinformation out there.

First, here’s a general overview of what “SEO” actually is (this is a blog essay I wrote): The New SEO Lessons from “The Avengers”

SEO is a collection of best practices that encompass a lot of factors on your website and Internet in general. For a general guide, I’d recommend Moz’s comprehensive introduction: The Free Beginner’s Guide From Moz. All of these best practices work together to increase your website’s rankings.

1. Inbound Marketing

What do you want people visiting your website to do? Purchase your book? Subscribe to an e-mail newsletter? You want traffic to “convert” into taking a specific action. Then, you need to design your website to push the traffic to take this action. This is the “inbound marketing” part of SEO — optimizing your website on a UX (user experience) level. See this introduction from HubSpot (company):

What Is Inbound Marketing? El | HubSpot
Inbound Marketing Blog | HubSpot

Think about conversion optimization: Test Early and Test Often

2. Technical Optimization

You need to optimize your website on a technical level. Using items including title tags and XML and HTML sitemaps so that search engines can crawl and index your site well and determine the topic of each page and the website in general. Choosing the right “keyword” topics will make sure that your website shows up in relevant search results — when people search for those keywords in Google. This is very complicated — technical SEO audits such as those I do run into the dozens of pages.

Some related advice: A Technical Guide for a Global SEO Strategy

Incorporate schema code to stand out in search results and provide more information to Google about your website, products, and services: Schema Code: Optimizing for Clicks, Not Rankings

3. Social-Media Signals

Set up social-media sharing, particularly Google+. Incorporate social sharing into your website in general and each post. Promote buttons (including the Google+1 button!) for your (and/or your website) in general, and include sharing buttons at the bottom of each page and post of content. The more that your content is shared on social media in general, the better you look.

Also consider having your Google+ profile or page create a relevant Google+ community — perhaps on the topic about which you write and/or one for authors in general. The bigger and more active your Google+ community, the better you look in Google’s eyes.

4. Quality Content

Write for people, not search engines. See an essay of mine here: Google is a Machine That Wants to be Human

Do not over-stuff keywords into your pages and blog posts. Google hates that, and your readers won’t like your writing. Write for your readers, and the SEO will take care of itself through social media and natural backlinks from people who like and want to cite your writings.

– Publish quality, unique content that no one else is publishing
– Develop social-media followings via interacting with a set of technology “influencers” and promote the posts on social media

As you publish more and grow your social followings more, the quality backlinks will come naturally as people hear about and want to cite your great content. This is the best-practice of “earning” links and not “building” them. Nothing good ever comes easily — especially in SEO today.

Related: How to Integrate Content Marketing and Social Media

5. Link “Building” and PR

Don’t think about “building” links as per the old practices that were never going to be sustainable. A few examples: directory submissions, article spinning, etc.

For more information on modern, link-earning practices, I’d also watch this short video by Rand Fishkin of Moz:The Death of Link Building and the Rebirth of Link Earning – Whiteboard Friday

The best links comes from using PR to promote your company, website, and content:

Why Public Relations is the New SEO Strategy You Need
Google is Helping Online PR and SEO, Not Hurting It
An Introduction to PR Strategy for SEOs (my essay at Moz)
How to Integrate PR into SEO Strategy (my webinar at Moz)
How to Use Public Relations to Build Links (SMX Milan 2013)
PR Strategies for Digital Marketers (SMX West 2014)

Don’t think about how to get links directly — think about how to get PR and publicity!

All of these things work together to build your website’s “authority” in Google’s eyes. It’s not simple or easy, and results do not come quickly. But they will come — and the results will last through any Google algorithm change. ¡Buena suerte!

SEO is an intimidating, confusing topic, even for the professionals. So we’ve put together the ultimate 6 step guide to making your website SEO friendly, right here, right now. Forget about the pandas, the penguins and all that talk about algorithms for a moment, and let’s focus on the SEO friendly basics that will have search engines loving you long time.

Palabras clave

Keywords make your website rank in search engines and direct people to your content, so they’re the first, and perhaps most important, step to making a website SEO friendly. To find the right keyword (for your page or blog post) think about what people would type into a search engine and do some basic keyword research to discover what the most popular search terms are on your topic. Once you’ve found your keyword or phrase, strategically place it in the title, meta description, permalink (URL), H2 tags (headings), in the alt text of images, as a tag and naturally throughout the copy. Whatever you do, resist the urge to keyword stuff. If you’re using WordPress, install the SEO WordPress by Yoast plug-in and use it as a keyword checklist right before you hit publish.

Crawlable Link Structures

Crawlable link structures (URLs) allow your website to quickly and easily be found by search engines and helps them determine what the page content is about. So, use meaningful keywords in your URL rather than numbers and symbols for the best results.

High-Quality Content

The content on your website has a great impact on whether or not it is SEO friendly because, if it’s not able to be indexed by search engines, it will never show up in search results. To ensure your content is indexable, publish high-quality, informative content that gives visitors exactly what they are looking for, which ultimately lowers your bounce rate (although there is no confirmed connection between rankings and bounce rate). Also, make sure there is no duplicate content on your website, because that warrants an SEO penalty and can severely impact your ranking.


Change the name of the file to a description of the picture eg Paris.jpg rather than image123.jpg as it helps images appear in search engine image searches, ultimately exposing your website to new readers and driving traffic towards it. You should also include alt tags on all images too.

Diverse Link Profile

Once you have completed all of the onsite steps to make your website SEO friendly, it’s time to work on your backlink profile and brand awareness. Start by creating a diverse backlink profile with both follow and nofollow links pointing to your site. These links give your site credibility and greater visibility in search results, making it easier for visitors (and search engines) to find your content. To put it simply, links pointing to your website act as a ‘tick of approval,’ and the more ‘ticks’ you have, the more Google will love you (and then reward you). In saying that, it’s important to build a natural, earned link profile that generates results long-term, rather than participating in bad link building strategies for quick results that you’ll eventually be penalized for.

Redes sociales

While it has been suggested that social media is not a direct factor of Google’s ranking algorithm, there are many, many benefits to having social media platforms linked to your website. Social media platforms start the process of sharing your content across the web, which ultimately increases pageviews, generates new leads, drives traffic, widens brand exposure and builds your community of followers – all of which indirectly supports your SEO efforts. Start with Facebook, Twitter and Google+, and then depending on your niche, explore LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest.

For more information visit :Website SEO rank check

Every day, people use Google to conduct over 3.5 billion searches. In the US, 78% of people use the web to research products and services before buying. According to Google this year India crossing the 40 crore internet user mark. 23 crore users are accessing Google search in local languages, and 28% of them doing Google Voice searches in regional languages, too. We can say Hunger for Internet and data just keeps on increasing. You will have to work hard to see results using these Best SEO Strategies.

There are Few Factors you need to keep in mind while doing Optimization for Your Website. Let’s discuss Best SEO Strategies that will help to Boost your website traffic.


UNIQUE CONTENT : Unique content is a key to rank your website at the top position. It is most important part of Best SEO Strategies. Content is a key to our site’s overall quality. It doesn’t matter what topic you have in your mind or what your blogging niche is, your audience can probably find tons of different resources when they will Google your keyword you used.

  • Length of the content : Length of the content is also an important factor. Make sure you have long content in your page, the longer your content is, it will be more useful for your site ranking. Don’t be lazy when it comes to write long content.

PERFORM ON-PAGE SEO : On Page means All Activities you perform on your website to assist you to rank higher, for instance, Meta Tags, Meta Keywords, Meta Descriptions, Page Titles, Internal Linking, Title Tags of Hyperlinks, Alt Tags for IMG etc. Still you need to keep in mind few Factors while doing on page Optimization.

  • Use Keyword in H1 tag
  • Use your keyword in Meta description tag
  • Use outbound links and internal links to your site
  • Internal Links


Off-page, SEO includes all the things which you can perform openly OFF your website to assist you to rank higher, for instance, Directory Submission, Article Submission, Forum & Blog Marketing, Social Networking, PPT Submission, Prerelease submission, Video Submission etc.

  • Social Media Platforms
  • Article Sharing
  • Forum Submission
  • Image sharing & Video Marketing
  • Marcadores sociales

LINK BUILDING: Link building is the process of getting other websites to link back to your website. Sites with more backlinks tend to earn higher rankings. Link building is an art. A solid link building strategy is key for reaching SEO success. moreover, It’s almost always the most challenging part of an SEO’s job, but also the one most critical to success.

PROMOTE WITH SOCIAL MEDIA : Best SEO Strategies is to Promote your content on social media. One of the best ways to increase traffic to Get Social. Social media sites can be your top traffic sources if you share your latest blog posts, Website related content or images across your social media networks like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest. Use hashtags, Keywords to engage with people related to your industry.

I hope these Best SEO Strategies helps you to improve your rankings and generate more business from organic search! Hire a Search engine company , which can improve your Google rankings, but also improve your organic visibility overall. Good SEO services by a capable SEO company can be a great investment.

Servicios de SEO | SEO Services Company | Social Media Optimization | Crest Infotech

There are a few simple tricks that you can use to make your web design SEO friendly too.

1. Integrate Social Media into your Website’s Design

Search engines value social media, as do your prospective customers. Incorporating social media elements into the design of your website will help it to rank better with search engines. When designing your website, make sure that you include your social media icons and, for all of your social media accounts, such as Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook. This will not only rank your site more highly among search engines, but it will also show your potential customers that your company is personable.

2. Use SEO for Images Too

Many people only optimize the text on their website, and they forget to do the same for the images they use. If you optimize the images that you use to, you can increase your site’s search engine rank. When selecting an image for your website, make sure that it is not too large. Ideally, images on your site should be 30 to 100kb and have a resolution of 72dpi. Images that are too big will make your site load slowly, and negatively affect your search engine ranking. In the alt text section of the image, make sure that you use a keyword. This will further help with your site’s SEO. Also, place images on your site carefully. The more relevant they are to that page, the more it will improve your website’s ranking.

3. Use JavaScript Sparingly

Many websites make the mistake of using Javascript for their whole site design. Search engines crawl through websites to index them, and determine their ranking in the results. If your site features a great deal of Javascript, search engines will struggle to read your site, and it will cause crawling issues. Additionally, Javascript doesn’t work particularly well on mobile devices. You want to make it as simple and easy as possible for search engines to read your website, and you want to make your site is as user-friendly as possible for your visitors.

4. Make sure your URL is User-Friendly

Your site’s URL needs to be SEO friendly, otherwise it won’t rank as well as it should. For example, a URL, such as Get Your fitness http://equipment.com/products/it …, is not an SEO friendly URL. It does not help the search engines to determine what that page is about. Instead, it should be something like, http://www.fitnessquipment.com/s …. Also, try to limit the categories in the link. For example, http://www.fitnessquipment.com/s … includes too many categories. Also, if you need to separate words in your URL, make sure that you use hyphens, rather than underscores to do so.

5. Place Your Keywords in many Different Places

Many people focus on using keywords in their copy, but they neglect all other areas. Not only can keywords be used in copy, and within any articles on your site, they can also be incorporated into the design of your website. As mentioned earlier, you can also use keywords to optimize images too, but there are also many other areas where you can use them. They can be used in the title tag, H1 tags, website slogans, meta descriptions, meta keywords, navigation, H2 tags, bullet points, title attribute on links, H3 tags, breadcrumb trails, footer links, URL’s, file names, internal links and folder names.

6. Make sure your Design is Accessible

If your website isn’t completely accessible, then it will affect your conversion rates and your ranking with search engines. Your website must be viewable on all browsers, as if it is not, it will cause visitors to exit your site, without purchasing any products, or using your services. If your website loads slowly, or it’s difficult to navigate, then it will likely rank low with search engines. Make sure that your website looks correct on all browsers, that it loads properly, and that you don’t use any images that load slowly.

7. Be Careful with Flash Elements

Using too much flash on your website cannot only be distracting for your visitors, but it can also affect your website’s search engine ranking. If you use flash elements on your site, then it will be more difficult for search engines to rank your website. This is because flash is often ignored or devalued by search engines, meaning that it won’t add anything to your site’s SEO. If you are going to use flash on your website, make sure that you do it sparingly.

Here is WikiHow’s 8 step process that I’m about to prove to be completely wrong.

1. Planned keyword research.

2. On-page optimization strategies.

3. Targeted meta details.

4. Updated content.

5. Frequent content.

6. Use few images.

7. Avoid frames (Okay, I agree here).

8. Incoming backlinks

10 years ago, or even 5 this would have been an excellent strategy. Today, it is completely

Let’s work through this point by point to find out why.

Planned Keyword Research

At first, this seems to make sense. It sure used to.

However, the more you play with the search engine algorithms today, the more you lose. Google is on to that and is fighting back by slapping everyone they can get their proverbial hands on.

This is not to say that keywords should be avoided, but rather high-quality content must be delivered within a targeted niche. Do that, and let Google take care of the rest.

If I do keyword research for a post at all, it is an afterthought rather than a forethought.

“Here’s some awesome high-quality work, and oh yeah, this would be the keyword I’d recommend targeting.” Doing it this way increases your odds of creating LSI (latency semantic indexing) content which Google very much pays attention to.

Next up…

On-Page Optimization Strategies

Beyond keyword density, this would be targeting such topics as:

  • Bolding keywords
  • Anchor text manipulation
  • Keyword placement

All of which should be avoided.

Instead, provide your readers with easy to scan copy using sub-heads, bullets, numbers, short paragraphs, small sentences and the rest. Doing so increases your viewers value of what you are releasing, which increases time on site while decreasing bounce rate.

Google is paying attention.

Treat your viewers right within your SEO strategy and Google will treat you right within their rankings.

Targeted Meta Details

When people say this, they are generally referring to keywords mentioned in the title and description as well as identifying the keyword being targeted.

Let me ask you a question.

If you searched Google for “apple pie” would you need to be told that each result was about “apple pies”?

That’s so 5 years ago.

Google does pay attention to the CTR (Click Through Rate), so make your title and description massively compelling to the viewer and forget about using keywords in your copy.

Do that and you will be well on your way to a SEO friendly page in 2017.

Updated & Frequent Content

I sorta agree on this point.

Google does want you to provide relevant content with regular intervals that is of high quality for today’s readers. All of that is true.

However, I push back in part here because of the urge that some Webmasters must fake it till they make it. In content creation that means putting out large amounts of content even when there isn’t really anything worth saying.

That’s not user focused.

It’s search engine focused.

Therefore, as you release content, make sure that it will be of high value to those that view it. I can’t stress it strongly enough. Focus on your viewer and not on the search engines in order to win the SEO battle in today’s world.

I do realize that this almost sounds like a non-SEO optimization strategy, but it really isn’t. At least not in today’s search engine world.

Use Few Images

The story here is that images slow down the speed of a page which in-turn is a factor against you on the search engines’ world. If your images are not correctly optimized as it relates to size, then this is right.

However, I have another question for you.

Why do so many people create Meme’s and Infographics to share with their audiences in today’s world?

HINT: Because they work.

Why would you want to limit the power of images instead of optimizing them correctly so that you can bring your message out stronger with multi-media inclusions?

HOT TIP: Be sure to complete the details for all your images because Google wants to appeal to everyone who uses their search engine, which includes visually impaired. It’s called image accessibility and it’s a strike against you if you don’t make it an important part of your on-page SEO creation strategy.

Avoid Frames

Not much to add on this point. It has remained the same for years.

Incoming Backlinks

I see this thought all the time. It’s so limiting.

On the good side, you have the potential opportunity of ranking from these pages that are mentioned. This is doubly good if you tie in social media elements with Twitter leading the pack.

But external links are only one type of link that you need to be building with your site. Even worse, they aren’t even the most important link.

Those types of links would be internal backlinks.

While external links lead from outside your website into your property, internal links are created when you join like pages within your site together with the power of a backlink.

There is a third type of backlink that should also be considered.

Internal outgoing.

So many people miss the value of these as it relates to your SEO strategy.

Like I said previously, you want to build content that has massive amounts of value to your viewer. Sharing links that lead outside your site to other high authority results is exactly what that creates.

HOT TIP: When doing so be sure to use target=”blank” so that the reference page opens in a new tab. Once your reader has completed the review, they will close that page and return where?

To your page with a sense of increased value for what you are sharing.

Concluding Thoughts About SEO Optimization

Bottom line, do everything and I mean everything, to provide the highest quality content for your reader. Today, that is how you make your pages surge up the organic search rankings with SEO friendly content.

How to build SEO friendly website?

Creating a professional looking, well designed website will not ensure that your site receives a high amount of traffic. If you want to increase the traffic, you will need to use search engine optimization. Search engine optimization is an incredibly important part of your online presence Search engine optimization refers to techniques that are used to improve a websites visibility, and therefore ranking with search engines.

If you use SEO correctly, you can improve your search engine ranking and drive more traffic to your website. If you want people to find your website, then you need to use SEO on your site

Anyone who is design a SEO friendly website has to keep in mind few things which hold relevance from the search engine optimization point of view.

1) Keyword Research: When designing a search engine friendly site, carry out the research for keywords. There are many online tools for keyword research for that you can visit Increase Traffic to upto 176% with BIG BANG of Keyword Research

2) Use SEO for Images

Many people only optimize the text on their website, and they forget to do the same for the images they use. If you optimize the images that you use to, you can increase your site’s search engine rank. When selecting an image for your website, make sure that it is not too large. Ideally, images on your site should be 30 to 100kb

3) Use JavaScript Sparingly

Many websites make the mistake of using Javascript for their whole site design. Search engines crawl through websites to index them, and determine their ranking in the results. If your site features a great deal of Javascript, search engines will struggle to read your site, and it will cause crawling issues.

4) Be Careful with Flash Elements

Using too much flash on your website cannot only be distracting for your visitors, but it can also affect your website’s search engine ranking. If you use flash elements on your site, then it will be more difficult for search engines to rank your website.

5) Integrate Social Media into your Website’s Design

Search engines value social media, as do your prospective customers. Incorporating social media elements into the design of your website will help it to rank better with search engines. When designing your website, make sure that you include your social media icons and, for all of your social media accounts, such as Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook. This will not only rank your site more highly among search engines, but it will also show your potential customers that your company is personable.

6) Make sure your URL is User-Friendly Your site’s URL needs to be SEO friendly, otherwise it won’t rank as well as it should.

7) Page Speed Optimization Page Speed Optimization is an important factor in Google Ranking and Conversion.

Here are some SEO tips to get you started with getting your Website SEO:

  1. Register your website to Local SEO – go to Google and add yourself to Google Places, and Yellow pages. Make sure your address is verified by google first by requesting a verification code.
  2. Add Descriptive Information to Graphics – When Google scans your website it cannot read images, so take the time right at the outset to optimize your Images, videos, and graphics. Make sure to add alt tags and meta descriptions to all your pictures as you add them.
  3. Optimize your Site for Social – Social media is how a growing percentage of online users interact and you want your site to be “social friendly”.
  4. Be sure you are Mobile Friendly – Google recently announced that as of April 21st, they will be looking at the mobile friendliness of all websites so be sure yours is “mobile ready.”
  5. Optimize your Titles – Make sure you are using H1 tags for all page titles and that your targeted keyword is in the title as well. That is the first thing search engines look at.

Professional SEO Help Available

Search engines are limited in how they crawl the web and interpret content. A webpage doesn’t always look the same to you and me as it looks to a search engine. In this section, we’ll focus on specific technical aspects of building (or modifying) web pages so they are structured for both search engines and human visitors alike. Share this part of the guide with your programmers, information architects, and designers, so that all parties involved in a site’s construction are on the same page.

Indexable Content

To perform better in search engine listings, your most important content should be in HTML text format. Images, Flash files, Java applets, and other non-text content are often ignored or devalued by search engine crawlers, despite advances in crawling technology. The easiest way to ensure that the words and phrases you display to your visitors are visible to search engines is to place them in the HTML text on the page. However, more advanced methods are available for those who demand greater formatting or visual display styles:

  1. Provide alt text for images . Assign images in gif, jpg, or png format “alt attributes” in HTML to give search engines a text description of the visual content.
  2. Supplement search boxes with navigation and crawlable links.
  3. Supplement Flash or Java plug-ins with text on the page.
  4. Provide a transcript for video and audio content if the words and phrases used are meant to be indexed by the engines.

Seeing your site as the search engines do

Many websites have significant problems with indexable content, so double-checking is worthwhile. By using tools like Google’s cache, SEO-browser.com, and the MozBar you can see what elements of your content are visible and indexable to the engines. Take a look at Google’s text cache of this page you are reading now. See how different it looks?

“I have a problem with getting found. I built a huge Flash site for juggling pandas and I’m not showing up anywhere on Google. What’s up?”

Whoa! That’s what we look like?

Using the Google cache feature, we can see that to a search engine, jugglingpandas.com -&nbspjugglingpandas Resources and Information.’s homepage doesn’t contain all the rich information that we see. This makes it difficult for search engines to interpret relevancy.

Hey, where did the fun go?

Uh oh … via Google cache, we can see that the page is a barren wasteland. There’s not even text telling us that the page contains the Axe Battling Monkeys. The site is built entirely in Flash, but sadly, this means that search engines cannot index any of the text content, or even the links to the individual games. Without any HTML text, this page would have a very hard time ranking in search results.

It’s wise to not only check for text content but to also use SEO tools to double-check that the pages you’re building are visible to the engines. This applies to your images, and as we see below, to your links as well.

Crawlable Link Structures

Just as search engines need to see content in order to list pages in their massive keyword-based indexes, they also need to see links in order to find the content in the first place. A crawlable link structure—one that lets the crawlers browse the pathways of a website—is vital to them finding all of the pages on a website. Hundreds of thousands of sites make the critical mistake of structuring their navigation in ways that search engines cannot access, hindering their ability to get pages listed in the search engines’ indexes.

Below, we’ve illustrated how this problem can happen:

In the example above, Google’s crawler has reached page A and sees links to pages B and E. However, even though C and D might be important pages on the site, the crawler has no way to reach them (or even know they exist). This is because no direct, crawlable links point pages C and D. As far as Google can see, they don’t exist! Great content, good keyword targeting, and smart marketing won’t make any difference if the crawlers can’t reach your pages in the first place.

Link tags can contain images, text, or other objects, all of which provide a clickable area on the page that users can engage to move to another page. These links are the original navigational elements of the Internet – known as hyperlinks. In the above illustration, the “

This is the most basic format of a link, and it is eminently understandable to the search engines. The crawlers know that they should add this link to the engines’ link graph of the web, use it to calculate query-independent variables (like Google’s PageRank), and follow it to index the contents of the referenced page.

Submission-required forms

If you require users to complete an online form before accessing certain content, chances are search engines will never see those protected pages. Forms can include a password-protected login or a full-blown survey. In either case, search crawlers generally will not attempt to submit forms, so any content or links that would be accessible via a form are invisible to the engines.

Links in unparseable JavaScript

If you use JavaScript for links, you may find that search engines either do not crawl or give very little weight to the links embedded within. Standard HTML links should replace JavaScript (or accompany it) on any page you’d like crawlers to crawl.

Links pointing to pages blocked by the Meta Robots tag or robots.txt

The Meta Robots tag and the robots.txt file both allow a site owner to restrict crawler access to a page. Just be warned that many a webmaster has unintentionally used these directives as an attempt to block access by rogue bots, only to discover that search engines cease their crawl.

Frames or iframes

Technically, links in both frames and iframes are crawlable, but both present structural issues for the engines in terms of organization and following. Unless you’re an advanced user with a good technical understanding of how search engines index and follow links in frames, it’s best to stay away from them.

Robots don’t use search forms

Although this relates directly to the above warning on forms, it’s such a common problem that it bears mentioning. Some webmasters believe if they place a search box on their site, then engines will be able to find everything that visitors search for. Unfortunately, crawlers don’t perform searches to find content, leaving millions of pages inaccessible and doomed to anonymity until a crawled page links to them.

Links in Flash, Java, and other plug-ins

The links embedded inside the Juggling Panda site (from our above example) are perfect illustrations of this phenomenon. Although dozens of pandas are listed and linked to on the page, no crawler can reach them through the site’s link structure, rendering them invisible to the engines and hidden from users’ search queries.

Links on pages with many hundreds or thousands of links

Search engines will only crawl so many links on a given page. This restriction is necessary to cut down on spam and conserve rankings. Pages with hundreds of links on them are at risk of not getting all of those links crawled and indexed.

Rel=”nofollow” can be used with the following syntax:

Lousy Punks!

Links can have lots of attributes. The engines ignore nearly all of them, with the important exception of the rel=”nofollow” attribute. In the example above, adding the rel=”nofollow” attribute to the link tag tells the search engines that the site owners do not want this link to be interpreted as an endorsement of the target page.

Nofollow, taken literally, instructs search engines to not follow a link (although some do). The nofollow tag came about as a method to help stop automated blog comment, guest book, and link injection spam, but has morphed over time into a way of telling the engines to discount any link value that would ordinarily be passed. Links tagged with nofollow are interpreted slightly differently by each of the engines, but it is clear they do not pass as much weight as normal links.

Are nofollow links bad?

Although they don’t pass as much value as their followed cousins, nofollowed links are a natural part of a diverse link profile. A website with lots of inbound links will accumulate many nofollowed links, and this isn’t a bad thing. In fact, Moz’s Ranking Factors showed that high ranking sites tended to have a higher percentage of inbound nofollow links than lower-ranking sites.


Google states that in most cases, they don’t follow nofollow links, nor do these links transfer PageRank or anchor text values. Essentially, using nofollow causes Google to drop the target links from their overall graph of the web. Nofollow links carry no weight and are interpreted as HTML text (as though the link did not exist). That said, many webmasters believe that even a nofollow link from a high authority site, such as Wikipedia, could be interpreted as a sign of trust.

Bing & Yahoo!

Bing, which powers Yahoo search results, has also stated that they do not include nofollow links in the link graph, though their crawlers may still use nofollow links as a way to discover new pages. So while they may follow the links, they don’t use them in rankings calculations.

Keyword Usage and Targeting

Keywords are fundamental to the search process. They are the building blocks of language and of search. In fact, the entire science of information retrieval (including web-based search engines like Google) is based on keywords. As the engines crawl and index the contents of pages around the web, they keep track of those pages in keyword-based indexes rather than storing 25 billion web pages all in one database. Millions and millions of smaller databases, each centered on a particular keyword term or phrase, allow the engines to retrieve the data they need in a mere fraction of a second.

Obviously, if you want your page to have a chance of ranking in the search results for “dog,” it’s wise to make sure the word “dog” is part of the crawlable content of your document.

Keyword Domination

Keywords dominate how we communicate our search intent and interact with the engines. When we enter words to search for, the engine matches pages to retrieve based on the words we entered. The order of the words (“pandas juggling” vs. “juggling pandas”), spelling, punctuation, and capitalization provide additional information that the engines use to help retrieve the right pages and rank them.

Search engines measure how keywords are used on pages to help determine the relevance of a particular document to a query. One of the best ways to optimize a page’s rankings is to ensure that the keywords you want to rank for are prominently used in titles, text, and metadata.

Generally speaking, as you make your keywords more specific, you narrow the competition for search results, and improve your chances of achieving a higher ranking. The map graphic to the left compares the relevance of the broad term “books” to the specific title Tale of Two Cities . Notice that while there are a lot of results for the broad term, there are considerably fewer results (and thus, less competition) for the specific result.

Keyword Abuse

Since the dawn of online search, folks have abused keywords in a misguided effort to manipulate the engines. This involves “stuffing” keywords into text, URLs, meta tags, and links. Unfortunately, this tactic almost always does more harm than good for your site.

In the early days, search engines relied on keyword usage as a prime relevancy signal, regardless of how the keywords were actually used. Today, although search engines still can’t read and comprehend text as well as a human, the use of machine learning has allowed them to get closer to this ideal.

The best practice is to use your keywords naturally and strategically (more on this below). If your page targets the keyword phrase “Eiffel Tower” then you might naturally include content about the Eiffel Tower itself, the history of the tower, or even recommended Paris hotels. On the other hand, if you simply sprinkle the words “Eiffel Tower” onto a page with irrelevant content, such as a page about dog breeding, then your efforts to rank for “Eiffel Tower” will be a long, uphill battle. The point of using keywords is not to rank highly for all keywords, but to rank highly for the keywords that people are searching for when they want what your site provides.

On-Page Optimization

Keyword usage and targeting are still a part of the search engines’ ranking algorithms, and we can apply some effective techniques for keyword usage to help create pages that are well-optimized. Here at Moz, we engage in a lot of testing and get to see a huge number of search results and shifts based on keyword usage tactics. When working with one of your own sites, this is the process we recommend. Use the keyword phrase:

  • In the title tag at least once. Try to keep the keyword phrase as close to the beginning of the title tag as possible. More detail on title tags follows later in this section.
  • Once prominently near the top of the page.
  • At least two or three times, including variations, in the body copy on the page. Perhaps a few more times if there’s a lot of text content. You may find additional value in using the keyword or variations more than this, but in our experience adding more instances of a term or phrase tends to have little or no impact on rankings.
  • At least once in the alt attribute of an image on the page. This not only helps with web search, but also image search, which can occasionally bring valuable traffic.
  • Once in the URL. Additional rules for URLs and keywords are discussed later on in this section.
  • At least once in the meta description tag. Note that the meta description tag does not get used by the engines for rankings, but rather helps to attract clicks by searchers reading the results page, as the meta description becomes the snippet of text used by the search engines.

And you should generally not use keywords in link anchor text pointing to other pages on your site; this is known as Keyword Cannibalization.

Keyword Density Myth

Keyword density is not a part of modern ranking algorithms, as demonstrated by Dr. Edel Garcia in The Keyword Density of Non-Sense.

If two documents, D1 and D2, consist of 1000 terms (l = 1000) and repeat a term 20 times (tf = 20), then a keyword density analyzer will tell you that for both documents Keyword Density (KD) KD = 20/1000 = 0.020 (or 2%) for that term. Identical values are obtained when tf = 10 and l = 500. Evidently, a keyword density analyzer does not establish which document is more relevant. A density analysis or keyword density ratio tells us nothing about:

  1. The relative distance between keywords in documents (proximity)
  2. Where in a document the terms occur (distribution)
  3. The co-citation frequency between terms (co-occurance)
  4. The main theme, topic, and sub-topics (on-topic issues) of the documents

The Conclusion:

Keyword density is divorced from content, quality, semantics, and relevance.

What should optimal page density look like then? An optimal page for the phrase “running shoes” would look something like:

You can read more information about On-Page Optimization in this post.

The title tag of any page appears at the top of Internet browsing software, and is often used as the title when your content is shared through social media or republished.

Using keywords in the title tag means that search engines will bold those terms in the search results when a user has performed a query with those terms. This helps garner a greater visibility and a higher click-through rate.

The final important reason to create descriptive, keyword-laden title tags is for ranking at the search engines. In Moz’s biannual survey of SEO industry leaders, 94% of participants said that keyword use in the title tag was the most important place to use keywords to achieve high rankings.

Title Tags

The title element of a page is meant to be an accurate, concise description of a page’s content. It is critical to both user experience and search engine optimization.

As title tags are such an important part of search engine optimization, the following best practices for title tag creation makes for terrific low-hanging SEO fruit. The recommendations below cover the critical steps to optimize title tags for search engines and for usability.

Be mindful of length

Search engines display only the first 65-75 characters of a title tag in the search results (after that, the engines show an ellipsis – “…” – to indicate when a title tag has been cut off). This is also the general limit allowed by most social media sites, so sticking to this limit is generally wise. However, if you’re targeting multiple keywords (or an especially long keyword phrase), and having them in the title tag is essential to ranking, it may be advisable to go longer.

Place important keywords close to the front

The closer to the start of the title tag your keywords are, the more helpful they’ll be for ranking, and the more likely a user will be to click them in the search results.

Include branding

At Moz, we love to end every title tag with a brand name mention, as these help to increase brand awareness, and create a higher click-through rate for people who like and are familiar with a brand. Sometimes it makes sense to place your brand at the beginning of the title tag, such as your homepage. Since words at the beginning of the title tag carry more weight, be mindful of what you are trying to rank for.

Consider readability and emotional impact

Title tags should be descriptive and readable. The title tag is a new visitor’s first interaction with your brand and should convey the most positive impression possible. Creating a compelling title tag will help grab attention on the search results page, and attract more visitors to your site. This underscores that SEO is about not only optimization and strategic keyword usage, but the entire user experience.

Best Practices for Title Tags

Meta Tags

Meta tags were originally intended as a proxy for information about a website’s content. Several of the basic meta tags are listed below, along with a description of their use.

Meta Robots

The Meta Robots tag can be used to control search engine crawler activity (for all of the major engines) on a per-page level. There are several ways to use Meta Robots to control how search engines treat a page:

  • index/noindex tells the engines whether the page should be crawled and kept in the engines’ index for retrieval. If you opt to use “noindex,” the page will be excluded from the index. By default, search engines assume they can index all pages, so using the “index” value is generally unnecessary.
  • follow/nofollow tells the engines whether links on the page should be crawled. If you elect to employ “nofollow,” the engines will disregard the links on the page for discovery, ranking purposes, or both. By default, all pages are assumed to have the “follow” attribute.
  • noarchive is used to restrict search engines from saving a cached copy of the page. By default, the engines will maintain visible copies of all pages they have indexed, accessible to searchers through the cached link in the search results.
  • nosnippet informs the engines that they should refrain from displaying a descriptive block of text next to the page’s title and URL in the search results.
  • noodp/noydir are specialized tags telling the engines not to grab a descriptive snippet about a page from the Open Directory Project (DMOZ) or the Yahoo! Directory for display in the search results.

The X-Robots-Tag HTTP header directive also accomplishes these same objectives. This technique works especially well for content within non-HTML files, like images.


The meta description tag exists as a short description of a page’s content. Search engines do not use the keywords or phrases in this tag for rankings, but meta descriptions are the primary source for the snippet of text displayed beneath a listing in the results.

The meta description tag serves the function of advertising copy, drawing readers to your site from the results. It is an extremely important part of search marketing. Crafting a readable, compelling description using important keywords (notice how Google bolds the searched keywords in the description) can draw a much higher click-through rate of searchers to your page.

Meta descriptions can be any length, but search engines generally will cut snippets longer than 160 characters, so it’s generally wise to stay within in these limits.

In the absence of meta descriptions, search engines will create the search snippet from other elements of the page. For pages that target multiple keywords and topics, this is a perfectly valid tactic.

Not as important meta tags

Meta Keywords: The meta keywords tag had value at one time, but is no longer valuable or important to search engine optimization. For more on the history and a full account of why meta keywords has fallen into disuse, read Meta Keywords Tag 101 from SearchEngineLand.

Meta Refresh, Meta Revisit-after, Meta Content-type, and others: Although these tags can have uses for search engine optimization, they are less critical to the process, and so we’ll leave it to Google’s Search Console Help to discuss in greater detail.

URL Structures

URLs—the addresses for documents on the web—are of great value from a search perspective. They appear in multiple important locations.

Since search engines display URLs in the results, they can impact click-through and visibility. URLs are also used in ranking documents, and those pages whose names include the queried search terms receive some benefit from proper, descriptive use of keywords.

URLs make an appearance in the web browser’s address bar, and while this generally has little impact on search engines, poor URL structure and design can result in negative user experiences.

The URL above is used as the link anchor text pointing to the referenced page in this blog post.

URL Construction Guidelines

Employ empathy

Place yourself in the mind of a user and look at your URL. If you can easily and accurately predict the content you’d expect to find on the page, your URL is appropriately descriptive. You don’t need to spell out every last detail in the URL, but a rough idea is a good starting point.

Shorter is better

While a descriptive URL is important, minimizing length and trailing slashes will make your URLs easier to copy and paste (into emails, blog posts, text messages, etc.) and will be fully visible in the search results.

Keyword use is important (but overuse is dangerous)

If your page is targeting a specific term or phrase, make sure to include it in the URL. However, don’t go overboard by trying to stuff in multiple keywords for SEO purposes; overuse will result in less usable URLs and can trip spam filters.

Go static

The best URLs are human-readable and without lots of parameters, numbers, and symbols. Using technologies like mod_rewrite for Apache and ISAPI_rewrite for Microsoft, you can easily transform dynamic URLs like this Moz Blog – SEO and Inbound Marketing Blog – Moz into a more readable static version like this: 10 Illustrations of How Fresh Content May Influence Google Rankings (Updated). Even single dynamic parameters in a URL can result in lower overall ranking and indexing.

Use hyphens to separate words

Not all web applications accurately interpret separators like underscores (_), plus signs (+), or spaces (%20), so instead use the hyphen character (-) to separate words in a URL, as in the “google-fresh-factor” URL example above.

Canonical and Duplicate Versions of Content

Duplicate content is one of the most vexing and troublesome problems any website can face. Over the past few years, search engines have cracked down on pages with thin or duplicate content by assigning them lower rankings.

Canonicalization happens when two or more duplicate versions of a webpage appear on different URLs. This is very common with modern Content Management Systems. For example, you might offer a regular version of a page and a print-optimized version. Duplicate content can even appear on multiple websites. For search engines, this presents a big problem: which version of this content should they show to searchers? In SEO circles, this issue is often referred to as duplicate content, described in greater detail here.

The engines are picky about duplicate versions of a single piece of material. To provide the best searcher experience, they will rarely show multiple, duplicate pieces of content, and instead choose which version is most likely to be the original. The end result is all of your duplicate content could rank lower than it should.

Canonicalization is the practice of organizing your content in such a way that every unique piece has one, and only one, URL . If you leave multiple versions of content on a website (or websites), you might end up with a scenario like the one on the right: which diamond is the right one?

Instead, if the site owner took those three pages and 301-redirected them, the search engines would have only one strong page to show in the listings from that site.

When multiple pages with the potential to rank well are combined into a single page, they not only stop competing with each other, but also create a stronger relevancy and popularity signal overall. This will positively impact your ability to rank well in the search engines.

Canonical Tag to the rescue!

A different option from the search engines, called the Canonical URL Tag, is another way to reduce instances of duplicate content on a single site and canonicalize to an individual URL. This can also be used across different websites, from one URL on one domain to a different URL on a different domain.

Use the canonical tag within the page that contains duplicate content. The target of the canonical tag points to the master URL that you want to rank for.

This tells search engines that the page in question should be treated as though it were a copy of the URL Moz Blog – SEO and Inbound Marketing Blog – Moz and that all of the link and content metrics the engines apply should flow back to that URL.

From an SEO perspective, the Canonical URL tag attribute is similar to a 301 redirect. In essence, you’re telling the engines that multiple pages should be considered as one (which a 301 does), but without actually redirecting visitors to the new URL. This has the added bonus of saving your development staff considerable heartache.

For more about different types of duplicate content, this post by Dr. Pete deserves special mention.

Rich Snippets

Ever see a 5-star rating in a search result? Chances are, the search engine received that information from rich snippets embedded on the webpage. Rich snippets are a type of structured data that allow webmasters to mark up content in ways that provide information to the search engines.

While the use of rich snippets and structured data is not a required element of search engine-friendly design, its growing adoption means that webmasters who employ it may enjoy an advantage in some circumstances.

Structured data means adding markup to your content so that search engines can easily identify what type of content it is. Home – schema.org provides some examples of data that can benefit from structured markup, including people, products, reviews, businesses, recipes, and events.

Often the search engines include structured data in search results, such as in the case of user reviews (stars) and author profiles (pictures). There are several good resources for learning more about rich snippets online, including information at Schema.org, Google’s Rich Snippet Testing Tool, and by using the MozBar.

Rich Snippets in the Wild

Let’s say you announce an SEO conference on your blog. In regular HTML, your code might look like this:

SEO Conference

Learn about SEO from experts in the field.

Event date:

May 8, 7:30pm

Now, by structuring the data, we can tell the search engines more specific information about the type of data. The end result might look like this:

itemscope itemtype=” Event – schema.org >

itemprop=”name” >SEO Conference

itemprop=”description” >Learn about SEO from experts in the field.
Event date:
May 8, 7:30pm

Defending Your Site’s Honor

How scrapers steal your rankings

Unfortunately, the web is littered with unscrupulous websites whose business and traffic models depend on plucking content from other sites and re-using it (sometimes in strangely modified ways) on their own domains. This practice of fetching your content and re-publishing is called “scraping,” and the scrapers perform remarkably well in search engine rankings, often outranking the original sites.

When you publish content in any type of feed format, such as RSS or XML, make sure to ping the major blogging and tracking services (Google, Technorati, Yahoo!, etc.). You can find instructions for pinging services like Google and Technorati directly from their sites, or use a service like Pingomatic to automate the process. If your publishing software is custom-built, it’s typically wise for the developer(s) to include auto-pinging upon publishing.

Next, you can use the scrapers’ laziness against them. Most of the scrapers on the web will re-publish content without editing. So, by including links back to your site, and to the specific post you’ve authored, you can ensure that the search engines see most of the copies linking back to you (indicating that your source is probably the originator). To do this, you’ll need to use absolute, rather that relative links in your internal linking structure. Thus, rather than linking to your home page using:

Home You would instead use: Home

This way, when a scraper picks up and copies the content, the link remains pointing to your site.

There are more advanced ways to protect against scraping, but none of them are entirely foolproof. You should expect that the more popular and visible your site gets, the more often you’ll find your content scraped and re-published. Many times, you can ignore this problem: but if it gets very severe, and you find the scrapers taking away your rankings and traffic, you might consider using a legal process called a DMCA takedown. Moz CEO Sarah Bird offers some quality advice on this topic: Four Ways to Enforce Your Copyright: What to Do When Your Online Content is Being Stolen.

Here, we rounded up five ways web design helps—and hurts—website search rankings.

1. Don’t overload the page with visuals.

We all know by now that content is king. Content supported by attractive, compelling visual elements is even better. There can be too much of a good thing, however. If you rely primarily on visuals to tell your story, the search engines will read your site as light on content—that’s a bad thing. If you feature a lot of videos and infographics, support them with summaries, transcripts, or related content on the same page. That way, the search engines will know what’s there when they scan your site. And optimize your imagery by always using alt tags on images. Google can even detect keywords in Flash, so many sure you call those out as well.

2. Heading tags help SEO.

Breaking up content with headers (like we did above), is a smart idea for more than one reason. Not only does it make your content scannable and easy to read, it also can boost your SEO—if you utilize them properly. Search engines weigh them by number (H1 carries the most weight), and the more keywords you can get into them, the better. Notice how we got the term “SEO” into all of our headings? That wasn’t an accident.

3. Mobile-friendly means SEO-friendly.

Search engines rank mobile-friendly sites better, and with good reason. A majority of users search Google on mobile devices now, so it makes sense they’d favor websites that offer a better mobile experience. You can create a mobile version of your website to load on smartphones and tablets, but utilizing responsive design—layouts that adapt to any device—is better for SEO. There’s only one version of code for search engines to crawl, so responsive sites get indexed faster. Plus, search engines hate duplicate content, and if you have a desktop and a mobile version, you’ll likely have the same pages on both.

4. HTML5 is full of SEO helpers.

HTML5 is the latest version of the markup language, and it has some implications for SEO. New elements—called semantic elements—offer an explanation of what’s contained in a section of a webpage, making it easier for search engines to understand what’s on pages.

Some examples of these elements are article , nav , summary and aside . HTML5 also speeds up load times, which is important for search rankings. If your website is coded with an older version of HTML, it might be worth an upgrade.

5. A great user experience (UX) means great SEO.

Search engines factor in bounce rate for rankings. If users have a bad experience when they visit your site, they won’t stick around. Giving users an attractive, easy-to-use website with clear instructions will go a long way toward keeping visitors engaged with your website. Not only will you be rewarded with more website traffic and conversions, but you’ll likely see better search traffic as well.

Here are a few website elements that translate to good UX:

  • Intuitive navigation: Make it easy for visitors to browse your website. Make navigation menus prominent and use clear, descriptive labels. Always give users a place to go next.
  • Simplicity: Keep design simple and clean. Don’t be afraid of whitespace. Use visual elements that support your conversion goals, rather than ones that distract from them.
  • Minimal barriers: Don’t ask too much of your website visitors. Asking them to sign up for your newsletter the second they land on a page of your website for the first time is bad UX—those visitors don’t know who you are yet. If your website has forms and processes, ask only for the information that’s essential.
  • Make content scannable: Users scan more than they read, especially when they first land on a web page. Breaking content into smaller sections with descriptive headers make it easier to digest.

At the end of the day, the elements search engines are scanning for comes down to quality. How your website looks and the quality of the experience it offers are important factors for search rankings, either directly or indirectly. Good design coupled with good content goes a long way toward ensuring great SEO.

Rhizza Galter


There are so many factors when it comes to SEO it hard to keep track and optimize for all of them. Consider using SEO Tools to monitor your website and check up on various aspects of it.

SEO Basics — Figuring Out the Right Keywords

We’ve talked about keywords being important. But you can’t just come up with them out of the blue. If you optimize for the wrong keywords, even if they are related to your niche, all your efforts will be for nothing. You need to figure out how exactly people are searching for information and tailor your keywords for your website to that… this should also influence the topics of blog posts and other content.

It’s important to use a keyword planner tool to do some serious research of the right keywords to optimize for. Of all the SEO basics, this is where you should start. As having the right keywords will guide all your other optimization efforts.

Google itself has an effective tool here: https://adwords.google.com/home/

Veamos un ejemplo.

Say your niche is yoga. The keyword “yoga beginners” results in just 1,000 to 10,000 searches per month in the US, but “yoga for beginners” has 10,000 to 100,000. Can you see what keyword you should be optimizing for?

Another example. If you’re providing a treatment for back pain, the search term “lower back pain relief” has 10,000 to 100,000 searches per month, but “back pain treatment” only has 1,000 to 10,000.

These two examples show how people search for information and products in each niche. And the keywords you pick for your SEO efforts should reflect that. Remember that this research should also guide the content your provide.

URL Structure & Site Architecture

The biggest, and most difficult to repair problem with many websites is their initial URL structure and Site Architecture decisions. If a company starts a website and creates a five-level-deep site architecture to get to a prominent keyword, such as website.com/shop/buy/keyword.html, there is a significant link juice distribution problem that may be near impossible to repair.

Business websites should have URLs they want ranking two levels deep, at most. The deeper in the URL and internal linking structure a keyword is, the more difficult it becomes to get that page to rank for the targeted terms. Furthermore, some companies won’t even have keywords in the URL, making it even more problematic to get the desired results in the SERPs.

Content Usage

Content problems come in two forms – not enough of it and duplicating it too often. Some websites will use Flash and JavaScript too heavily and completely ignore standardized text. This text is a strong sign of keyword relevancy to the search engines and is vital to get pages to appear properly optimized for a search term you want to rank for.

If you are putting this text in JavaScript, Flash, or within images, you are short sighting your SEO efforts. Strong content is important both for user experience, and for helping the search engines connect your website to the keyword you want.

Title Tag & Image Optimization

Other new designers will often forget to properly optimize their title tags or images for their SEO efforts. Luckily, this error is the most easily fixed, and can be done after the fact without much issue. However, a lack of initial title tag and image implementation is probably a good sign that the actual page itself is not properly optimized for a keyword, something that might not be so repairable after the fact.

Keyword Research

When initially implementing your website, you should have already done thorough keyword research on your industry. This will give you a structure to base around when creating your pages, navigation, and overall strategy. Even if you do every other step right, if you’re targeting keywords with little traffic opportunities, much of your effort is wasted.

Designing a professional website with stunning theme is not enough to make sure a better ranking for your website. You have to consider the significance of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) while developing your website. Your website is your key medium to reach your potential customers. Your website is your medium to reach your potential customers. But, search engines work for your website, to make you visible and to give you a global presence. Hence try to be a search engine friendly websites. Following are few key factors which, if well prepared, can make your website listed in most search engines.

#1 Make your Navigation Simple

Try to design website navigation simple and descriptive for users and crawlers. Putting the navigation on top of the page is best idea for easy navigation of website. A simple navigation is what makes a good website. You can also put navigation buttons on bottom of the page because both top and bottom locations of the webpage are proved eye tracking positions for both humans and crawlers.

#2 Use Keywords on Different Location

Keywords are very important for creating search engine friendly websites, but that’s not meant that you stuff your website content with keywords everywhere. Remember, search engines hate keyword stuffing. Use LSI keywords, but in a smart way. Put your keywords in image ATL tags and title. You can also put your keywords in meta tags, description, URL, footer links and heading tags of your website.

#3 URL Should be SEO Friendly

When we are discussing about how to make SEO friendly website, don’t ignore the URL structure of your website. Each and every web page of your website should have a SEO friendly URL so both user and search engine crawler can easily detect the information you are providing in website.

#4 Keep your Content Unique and Update

When writing content for your website, you have to be very sure that your content is unique and up to date. Search engine spiders are that much smarter today that they can easily detect the copied content very easily, so don’t even think to copy content from some other website. If you are providing some facts in your content, make sure that they are from relevant source on internet.

#5 Use Professional SEO Tools

100% Free SEO tools. Let’s use and feeling. Unique content checker, unique content rewriter, keyword position, online ping website tool. Smartseotools.org free and online website review and SEO audit tool . Quick and simple Search Engine Optimization audit tool and website review of any web page.

Online SEO Tools – 100% Free SEO Tools

6 Tips For Designing an SEO Friendly Website

It’s not enough these days to design a beautiful, functional website that addresses your clients needs. If you truly want your client to reap the benefits of having an online presence, then SEO is a necessity. Search Engine Optimization is a method of improving the visibility of a website in search engines through organic search results, and is now a viable online marketing tool for a lot of businesses. For sharpen your SEO skills I will suggest you to join SEO course training in Jaipur.

1. The process of creating

1. Create a list of potential keywords (ie words that are relevant but not overly used)
2. Input your proposed keywords into a keyword research tool (ie Google Adwords Keyword Tool, Wordtracker, Wordstream, etc)
3. Finalize your keyword list based on research (Create a list of both broad and targeted keywords)
4. Prepare them for launch (typically go after 3-4 related keywords per page)

2. Keyword Placement
For a website to successfully integrate into Google you first must tell us what a particular page is about. It’s important to get keywords on the right position on the page, but don’t overdo it. Here are the best places:

  • Title tag
  • Meta description and keywords
  • Website slogans
  • Navegación
  • Breadcrumb trails
  • H1, H2 and H3 tags
  • Bullet points
  • Alt text
  • Title attribute on links
  • The main website copy
  • Internal links
  • Enlaces de pie de página
  • URL’s
  • File / folder names

Search Engine Friendly Navigation
Having Search Engine Friendly Navigation basically means creating a structure that search engines can follow. A major culprit in search engines not being able to find a website is due to the links being images instead of text. So make sure you address this and all links and buttons are text-based. CSS3 can achieve the same effects that Photoshop can, which has contributed a lot in terms of modernizing the web and speeding up load times. Wherever possible, try to avoid the use of JavaScript, as search engines find it difficult to understand and may result in crawling issues. With the push towards mobile devices supporting the web, using advanced scripting languages on your website won’t fly so well, either.
3. URL’s and Filenames

Having an SEO-friendly URL means search engines can quickly identify what a page is about. It’s also a good tactic to include keywords in the URL as this increases Search Engine visibility.
An example of a not too friendly URL:
A better, more descriptive URL would be:
As you can see, the second option has a better selection of rich keywords, which will help the search engine in their efforts to index you.
It’s also a good habit to name your images using descriptive keywords. An appropriate file name can be the difference between your image appearing in Google images searches or not. For instance the name “1234.jpg” isn’t going to be as successful as “midcentury-furniture.jpg” when someone is looking for design inspiration.

4. Website Images

  • Images are often an overlooked aspect of SEO, but play just as an important role in the process.
  • You need to optimize your images to achieve faster loading times and subsequent search engine visibility.
  • Try to keep your images’ file size as small as possible so mobile visitors in addition to those with slow internet connections can get the same intended, fast experience.
  • An optimal image size is anywhere from 30-100kb and the best resolution is 72dpi.
  • You can also set the image size as part of the corresponding tag for the image.
  • It’s best to place your images on context in the page. The more relevant the text around your image, the better results you’ll get for rankings.
  • Place your images inside a folder named “images” or something similar so the final URL of the image looks something like this: /images/image.jpg.

Perfect Website Optimization explains how to incorporate keywords into your alt tag.

5. Social Media

Social Media should be part of your SEO strategy as building relationships and interacting with connections can help build your brand enormously. Not only that but it gives you exposure and helps build a trusted community and gain credibility.
Link building is perhaps the number one reason to jump on board the Social Media bandwagon: the process of visitors sharing links within their own network can result in a large number of inbound links. In summary, social media can provide an organization with an affordable channel that accomplishes results.
Get started by joining:

  • Facebook
  • Gorjeo
  • LinkedIn
  • Digg

Before going anywhere, you should check out ON-Page SEO Checklist, that consider all the points and factors that might help you to get good SEO optimization strategies and good ranking factors for your website.

On-page SEO is basically that we have to deal with website code! Before Off page SEO, First your website should pass from these on page factors to be compete in SERPs.

SEO Plugin

Set up SEO Plugin for CMS that helps you to write, edit and setup website content. We suggest to add Yoast Plugin.

Do you have keywords in your title and description?

It is the essential factor for keyword ranking. You should keep title between 50-60 characters and Meta description in between 150-160.

Do a keyword research

It is essential to do keyword research related to your business services so that your website can be the standout in organic search results with good rank.

Apart from Google Keyword Planner, you can use Semrush, Ubersuggest, andKwfinder

Do you do header Optimization?

You must have implement header tags especially H1, it can improve your search engine ranking. You can maximum use only one H1 tag. Afterward, you can use multiple H2 to H6 tags.

Do you use clean, SEO friendly URLs?

URLs are not a large ranking factor, but SEO friendly URLs affect CTR. Sometimes users examine a URL when deciding whether to click through or not.

Underscores are alpha characters and do not separate words, so use dashes in the URLs.

Do you have optimized the content?

Content should be in high quality, relevant to the website, fresh and at least 500 words in length.

Do you maintain text/HTML ratio?

The text to HTML ratio refers to the amount of text on a web page versus the HTML code on the same web page. An Ideal HTML ratio is anywhere from 25 to 70 percent. It is not a direct ranking factor for search engine but there are many factors that are related to text to HTML ratio and directly affect to search engine ranking.

Do you maintain Keyword Density for each page?

Keyword density is the percentage (%) of times a keyword or key phrase appears on a web page in comparison with the total number of words on the page. Ideal keyword density should be 1-3%.

You can use your target keyword in the permalink, H1 tag, H2 tag, Meta title and description Start and end of the article, image name and its alt tag and as anchor text.

Do you use Grammar Checker?

With this chrome add-on, a perfect automated grammar checker that can enhance your content clarity and can present your perfect meaning of your content.

Do check for duplicate content

Do a search to see if your content exists elsewhere on the Web or not! You may want to check outcome and use it regularly.

URL Rewrite

Ensure that all pages redirecting from non-www to www.

Image optimization

Optimize your logo and check images must have altered and title tags.

Google Analytics

Do you have setup Google Analytics for tracking and reporting the website traffic.

Web Master Tools

Do you have setup search console and Bing Webmaster Tools? It checks website indexing status and optimizes visibility of their websites.

Page Speed

Do you have checked your website page speed? Check with GTmetrix! Your website page speed also matters for search engine ranking. A slower page speed means that search engines can crawl fewer pages in a specific time and other side Longer load time can have the negative effect on conversions.


Implement robots.txt to give instructions robots that how to crawl and index pages from the website.


Use Sitemap.xml to help search engine for better indexing of your websites and also create sitemap.html for users on the website.

W3C Validation

Make validate your content with W3C Validation.

Schema Implementation

Implement Schema to improve the way your page is represented in SERPs.

Mobile Rendering

Make your site responsive and mobile friendly that delivers great user experience.

Link Redirection

Find 301 and 302 redirects. You can use screaming frog.

Internal Linking

Make good internal Links. These links help visitors to find topics of interest and spread link juice all over.

Outbound Linking

Use outbound links. It informs to Google that your website has quality links.

Read further here!

We are experts to deliver top page ranking and desired output!

Affordable SEO Packages

There is an influx of demand for experts working in industries like the web design Philippines , and this called out for an equally skilled workforce able to do the job. Still, not all existing websites manage to gain the attention they desire, and the reason is not just about the lack of content, but more on the lack of a captivating website that holds your customer’s attention intact.

Today, we’ll tackle one of the most common questions many startup businesses have in common; ‘How do we build a better website?’

Here are some of the Effective ways to build a BETTER Website:

  • Create content that HELPS your readers.

“Content marketing is really like a first date, if all you do is talk about yourself, there won’t be a second date.”David Beebe (Marriot International)

While many of the premises behind website creation revolves around flaunting the hot and trendy products a company has to offer, its sustainability relies on how relevant they make themselves for their market.

Staying consistent requires you to be a daily participant on what your readers need. The more you help them, the more they stay loyal.

  • Use optimized keywords for your content.

“Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.”Wendy Piersall

Every website wants to be on the first page of Google’s search engine. ¿Por qué? Because it’s tantamount to the most effective means of promoting themselves.

Imforza.com says that ‘75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results.’ Even if you manage to land the first entry on the 2ND page, it would still mean that you are way behind the first ten search results. For any business, this is a disadvantage.

It takes consistency and serious SEO efforts to be recognized by Google’s search engine. But once you do, the benefits are worth it.

  • Learn about website analytics.

“What gets measured gets managed.”Peter Drucker (American management consultant, educator and author)

The sound of the word ‘analytics’ alone already sports some degree of technicality on it – one thing that fends off marketers to delve deeper into their content’s actual performance statistics.

Google Analytics is technical. There’s no use sugarcoating that. However, it is necessary. More importantly, it can be learned. While it may seem complicated, understanding how analytics work is a vital factor to Google ranking.

You can read more of it here: Effective Ways to Build a Better Website – Optimind Technology Solutions

Website streamlining is an extraordinarily essential piece of your online vicinity. On the off chance that you utilize SEO accurately, you can enhance your web index positioning and drive more activity to your site. On the off chance that you need individuals to discover your site, then you have to utilize SEO on your site. Ordinarily, when individuals consider SEO, they consider the duplicate that is on their site. Numerous entrepreneurs ensure that they utilize certain catchphrases in the articles, blog entries or duplicate on their website. In any case, they regularly neglect to make their web outline SEO agreeable. You can join site improvement systems into more than simply your site’s duplicate. There are a couple of straightforward traps that you can use to make your web outline SEO amicable as well.

1. Coordinate Social Media into your Website’s Design

Web crawlers esteem online networking, as do your imminent clients. Consolidating online networking components into the configuration of your site will help it to rank better with web crawlers. At the point when planning your site, ensure that you incorporate your online networking symbols and, for the majority of your online networking records, for example, Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook. This won’t just rank your site all the more profoundly among web indexes, however it will likewise demonstrate your potential clients that your organization is charming.

2. Use SEO for Images Too

Numerous individuals just streamline the content on their site, and they neglect to do likewise for the pictures they utilize. On the off chance that you improve the pictures that you use to, you can expand your site’s web crawler rank. While selecting a picture for your site, ensure that it is not very extensive. In a perfect world, pictures on your site ought to be 30 to 100kb and have a determination of 72dpi. Pictures that are too huge will make your site stack gradually, and adversely influence your web crawler positioning. In the alt content area of the picture, ensure that you utilize a catchphrase. This will promote help with your site’s SEO. Likewise, put pictures on your site precisely. The more important they are to that page, the more it will enhance your site’s positioning.

3. Use JavaScript Sparingly

Numerous sites commit the error of utilizing Javascript for their entire site outline. Web crawlers creep through sites to file them, and decide their positioning in the outcomes. On the off chance that your site includes a lot of Javascript, web search tools will battle to peruse your website, and it will bring about creeping issues. Furthermore, Javascript doesn’t work especially well on cell phones. You need to make it as straightforward and simple as could reasonably be expected for web crawlers to peruse your site, and you need to make your webpage is as easy to understand as could be allowed for your guests.

4. Ensure your URL is User-Friendly

Your site’s URL should be SEO neighborly, else it won’t rank and also it ought to. For instance, a URL is not a SEO benevolent URL. It doesn’t help the internet searchers to figure out what that page is about. Additionally, attempt to restrict the classes in the connection. Additionally, in the event that you have to partitioned words in your URL, ensure that you utilize hyphens, as opposed to underscores to do as such.

5. Place Your Keywords in a wide range of Places

Numerous individuals concentrate on utilizing watchwords as a part of their duplicate, yet they disregard every other region. Not just can catchphrases be utilized as a part of duplicate, and inside of any articles on your webpage, they can likewise be fused into the outline of your site. As said before, you can likewise utilize catchphrases to streamline pictures as well, however there are additionally numerous different ranges where you can utilize them. They can be utilized as a part of the title label, H1 labels, site trademarks, meta portrayals, meta watchwords, route, H2 labels, visual cues, title quality on connections, H3 labels, breadcrumb trails, footer connections, URL’s, record names, inside connections and organizer names.

6. Ensure your Design is Accessible

On the off chance that your site isn’t totally open, then it will influence your transformation rates and you’re positioning with web crawlers. Your site must be distinguishable on all programs, as though it is not, it will make guests leave your site, without buying any items, or utilizing your administrations. In the event that your site stacks gradually, or it’s hard to explore, then it will probably rank low with web crawlers. Ensure that your site looks right on all programs, that it stacks appropriately, and that you don’t utilize any pictures that heap gradually.

7. Be Careful with Flash Elements

Utilizing a lot of blaze on your site can’t just be diverting for your guests, yet it can likewise influence your site’s web crawler positioning. On the off chance that you utilize streak components on your webpage, then it will be more troublesome for web search tools to rank your site. This is on the grounds that glimmer is regularly disregarded or depreciated via web crawlers, implying that it won’t add anything to your website’s SEO. On the off chance that you are going to utilize streak on your site, ensure that you do it sparingly.

By making your web plan more SEO cordial, you can enhance your organization’s perceivability. Roll out a couple of basic improvements to your site this week, and perceive how it influences your site’s internet searcher positioning.


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7 “Basic Tricks” to Make Your Web Design SEO Friendly

1. Integrate Social Media into your Website’s Design

Search engines value social media, as do your prospective customers. Incorporating social media elements into the design of your website will help it to rank better with search engines. When designing your website, make sure that you include your social media icons and, for all of your social media accounts, such as Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook. This will not only rank your site more highly among search engines, but it will also show your potential customers that your company is personable.

2. Use SEO for Images Too

Many people only optimize the text on their website, and they forget to do the same for the images they use. If you optimize the images that you use to, you can increase your site’s search engine rank. When selecting an image for your website, make sure that it is not too large. Ideally, images on your site should be 30 to 100kb and have a resolution of 72dpi. Images that are too big will make your site load slowly, and negatively affect your search engine ranking. In the alt text section of the image, make sure that you use a keyword. This will further help with your site’s SEO. Also, place images on your site carefully. The more relevant they are to that page, the more it will improve your website’s ranking.

3. Use JavaScript Sparingly

Many websites make the mistake of using Javascript for their whole site design. Search engines crawl through websites to index them, and determine their ranking in the results. If your site features a great deal of Javascript, search engines will struggle to read your site, and it will cause crawling issues. Additionally, Javascript doesn’t work particularly well on mobile devices. You want to make it as simple and easy as possible for search engines to read your website, and you want to make your site is as user-friendly as possible for your visitors.

4. Make sure your URL is User-Friendly

Your site’s URL needs to be SEO friendly, otherwise it won’t rank as well as it should. For example, a URL, such as Get Your services http://inextrix.com/services/item2?=2128 , is not an SEO friendly URL. It does not help the search engines to determine what that page is about. Instead, it should be something like, http://www.inextrix.com/services/seo-services . Also, try to limit the categories in the link. For example, http://www.inextrix.com/services/digital-marketing/seo-services includes too many categories. Also, if you need to separate words in your URL, make sure that you use hyphens, rather than underscores to do so.

5. Place Your Keywords in many Different Places

Many people focus on using keywords in their copy, but they neglect all other areas. Not only can keywords be used in copy, and within any articles on your site, they can also be incorporated into the design of your website. As mentioned earlier, you can also use keywords to optimize images too, but there are also many other areas where you can use them. They can be used in the title tag, H1 tags, website slogans, meta descriptions, meta keywords, navigation, H2 tags, bullet points, title attribute on links, H3 tags, breadcrumb trails, footer links, URL’s, file names, internal links and folder names.

6. Make sure your Design is Accessible

If your website isn’t completely accessible, then it will affect your conversion rates and your ranking with search engines. Your website must be viewable on all browsers, as if it is not, it will cause visitors to exit your site, without purchasing any products, or using your services. If your website loads slowly, or it’s difficult to navigate, then it will likely rank low with search engines. Make sure that your website looks correct on all browsers, that it loads properly, and that you don’t use any images that load slowly.

7. Be Careful with Flash Elements

Using too much flash on your website cannot only be distracting for your visitors, but it can also affect your website’s search engine ranking. If you use flash elements on your site, then it will be more difficult for search engines to rank your website. This is because flash is often ignored or devalued by search engines, meaning that it won’t add anything to your site’s SEO. If you are going to use flash on your website, make sure that you do it sparingly.

You can ger more idea from : http://www.wikihow.com/Design-a-

Thank you,


In order to make an SEO friendly website, you need an SEO friendly URL 🙂

Isn’t it wonderful how everything is tied together in digital media?

Here are a few steps that you can use if you want to create an SEO friendly URLs.

  • Use HTTPS

SEO website security is really a big deal. With cyber-crime, scam and fraud on the rise, Internet users want to know that they are using a secure connection. Thus, using HTTPS is highly recommended rather than HTTP. If you are having trouble to recognize both of them, HTTPS stands for “HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure,” which is the secure version of HTTP. So all the information on a website is encrypted, which strengthen the security obviously. Make sure to get an SSL certificate so users know that your site is safe. If you are doubted with your URL’s security, you may check it by using SEO checker.

  • Choose a top level domain

Top level domain (TLD) is usually your best bet in SEO optimization. You can simply use SEO checker to help you choose the ideal TLD such as “.com” domain rather than “.biz,” “.pro,” “.tel,” etc. Now I’m not saying that you’re doomed if you use anything other than “.com” for your domain. In fact, TLD doesn’t directly impact rankings. But what it does tend to do is increase trust for human users. And this is huge. When people trust your domain, it is going to trickle down and have a positive impact on your overall SEO.

  • Make it readable

Make your URLs readable for your SEO website users. Search engines aren’t the only things that need good, clean URLs. You also need to optimize them for human readers as they are the ones who eventually click on your blog post and read it. If you aren’t sure your URL can be read easily or not, try using SEO checker. More readable URL structure can boost rapidly the engagement rate it gets from search-engine users. The idea is that the URL should be easily readable and identifiable. If a user already knows what they will get after clicking on a certain like, they are more likely to do it. Such user-friendly and readable URLs also bring more targeted traffic.

  • Create short, sweet, and simple Url

SEO optimization do not particularly have any problem with processing longer URLs. So, in other words, the length of a post’s URL doesn’t directly affect its search engine rankings. However, it can be the best thing if you can create short, sweet and simple URLs to enhance the user-experience and usability. Shorter URLs are usually preferred by users as they are easier to parse, copy, paste, or remember. Moreover, because of the limitations social media websites like Twitter has, shorter URLs are a lot easier to share across the social media networks. Generally speaking, if your URL is under 50 characters, you do not have to worry about it and just count on SEO checker. But, if it is exceeding, let’s say about, 100 characters, then you might want to rewrite it and make it more user-friendly.

  • Use “safe” characters

SEO optimization has to do with using “safe” characters in your URL rather than “unsafe” characters. The easiest way for you to recognize “unsafe” characters is as such; it includes the blank/empty space and ” < > # % { } | \ ^ ~ [ ] `. It is pretty simple. So make sure that your URLs are formed with “safe” characters and you will be totally fine to use it for your SEO website. But you definitely have to stay away from unsafe characters. The reason is because they can create damage for browsers, which lead to very hateful situation; like usability and networking issues. And it is not good to SEO creator. No user wants see an error page and have to reload every time they open SEO website page. However, SEO checker can help you to detect and solve this issue.

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